No more testing


M.A.S.C Club Member
What people often don't realize when the see a beautiful reef aquarium is that there is alot of behind the scenes work. One of the many task that we all do is the never ending testing/measuring of our tank parameters. With the many advances in this hobby in the recent years, I think they hit the mark with this one. Check this out: Now that you know what it cost, how many of you would drop that coin to get this?


M.A.S.C Club Member
I would buy one, but the real decision maker is going to be what reagents, strips, or something else will be needed as consumables. The secondary issue is how often those consumables would need to be replaced.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I will believe it when I see it. Every couple of years something like this pops up in the hobby and goes nowhere. Call me skeptical but if this technology is there for constant monitoring why haven't any of the big players in the testing industry capitalized on it yet? Sounds like a pipe dream to me. If it comes to fruition though I will happily eat my words!!


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Sorry, Ill stick with my old school tried and tested methods, I spend way too much time and money on my aquarium to rely on something like this, expecially while still in a somewhat experimental stage.

Now give it a few years to work bugs out and such and see how it does, then I might be in the market. Just my 2 cents


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
I'll take a wait and see approach. Who knows, they might make it work. We can get 3D images back from Mars and control video games with our brainwaves. Of course we still have to check a prostate the caveman way, so yeah, this might not work.


M.A.S.C Club Member
It doesn't have to work for it to sell. Can't you just see the Marine Depot homepage or email blast telling everybody how good it is? ala most LED panels that they sell. Maybe it will. Few thought that pinpoint could make a reliable calcium probe, but they did.

I set my tank up to where all that I test is Alk, SG and Temp. The calcium, magnesium and strontium comes in balance with the alk. I can tell by looking at it if the N or P need attention.


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I would love an alk probe because that is main test I do. I check ca once every 6 months. However alk probes are over 2000