Now thats what a 14k should look like!!


M.A.S.C Club Member
If you really want to see that phoenix hum, drive it with M80 ballast. More intense and even better color. :)


Angel Fish
That's an HQI right? Magnetic? Any recommendations for a brand? Good warranty all that... Hate that icecap is no more, been very happy with this ballast, even if it is electronic, but don't know if the lifetime warranty is worth anything anymore with the company that bought them out.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Yes. HQI Magnetic.

Aquamedic is in Loveland. I have had some of their lights for over 10 years (AquaSpaceLights still going) and while some have needed repair out of warranty, they have always helped me fix them, had parts on hand and shipped very quickly. When I did my first repair, a guy called me on the phone and walked through the diagnosis with the voltmeter with me.... all for what ended up being a $12 fix. I have always liked their stuff, but I do use phoenix bulbs.

I am sure that there are many other good brands.


Angel Fish
Nice to hear aqua-medic stayed in business after that fire a few years back. How often di you replace your bulbs overdriving them like that? Do you have any pictures for a color comparison?


M.A.S.C Club Member
They are made to be driven like that. Electronic ballasts actually under-drive them.

I replace my main bulbs each year and then rotate those into any frag tanks that I have going - 1 year on display, 1 year on frag tank. ...but I don't have any frag tanks right now, so I just keep them in boxes with dates written on them for backups.


Angel Fish
What the actual power output of your m80 ballast? My icecap actually puts out 262watts, manufacture specs of the phoenix 250 is +/- 5% of 250watts. That translates to a maximum wattage of 262.5watts minimum of 237.5watts manufacture specs. So im running it right at the maximum that the manufacture recommends. Correct me if im wrong but don't all magnetic ballasts overdrive their bulbs?


M.A.S.C Club Member
I tested mine once and it was around 330 watts output - I forget the actual number though. About 390 coming in.

The bulbs look different on electronic vs M80, too. Phoenix is more 14k whiter, crisp and powerful on M80, but looks bluer like a 20K on electronic - the actinic and coloration is fantastic on both IMO. If the bulb was made to run off of M80, then the color, output and bulb life should be based on the M80 ballast and electronic will under drive them. To your point, I guess that there could be DE HQI bulbs that are not made for the extra wattage that might lower their live. If you have a deep tank or want to keep high light stuff in the sand (crocea/maxima clams, high light sps, etc), then M80 is probably the way to go. If you have a shallow tank, or don't have a lot of high light inhabitants, then either is more than fine.

This is kind of like how 20K Radiums look different on High Pressure Sodium (S-51?, I forget) than they did on 400W MH (M59). Both look good (different), but the HPS supposedly drove them to even better color and output. I had 20K radium on M59 and they were very amazing... only outdone IMO by 250W HQI.

I have 14K phoenix on M80 if you ever want to see them to compare.


Angel Fish
So after running them for a year in your main display do you notice any difference in growth/PAR? Do you have the DE or mogul with the built in UV shield?

I do agree with you that color on an HQI electronic is VERY similar to a 20K, and with the tank being 32 inches deep PAR is a big concern for me which is why i went for the 14K. Would love to compare them bud if its no trouble.


Angel Fish
I know with the 20K i ran back in the day, growth of sps came to an almost standstill after 8 months or so, would love to have the whiter color and higher par but if i cant afford to replace to bulb every 6 months to maintain growth....


M.A.S.C Club Member
I use DE in AB AquaSpaceLight pendants. There is tempered glass shielding the output. If you want to see what they are, they are the same as their current pendants, but the ballasts are not remote in my setup. The blubs look the same to me after a year. When I put the new ones in, I don't reduce the light time or anything - they just keep on humming and the coral doesn't bleach or get stressed. Even in year two, they can really grow and color some coral, but my frag tank is maybe ten inches deep. You can really see some blackening of the bulb from new to year-one to year-two.

If you have a deep tank, then M80 all the way... You have a good reflector?

Mine run from 4:00 to midnight every day. I have 250W versions on M80 and 150W versions running on M81. LMK when/if you might want to come by. I am in Longmont near 66 and county line.


Angel Fish
8hr MH photoperiod d@m*! haha you only running halides? Awesome man good to hear they're lasting that long for ya, don't know if the same will apply to my tank highest rock is still 10-11 inches from the surface of the water and bulb is 13 inches from there.

Not sure about the quality of the reflector is just a Current T5 MH combo that i wired the new ballast into, still learning about those, no rust on it though and good distribution.