
So, a friend of mine was recently sold an octopus without even having a cycled tank. :mad:Fortunately, I heard about it and was able to grab him before anything terrible happened to the octo. But now I have an octopus in a critter keeper in my sump until I can get a tank cycled. I'll have a video up in a few minutes. So does anyone local have any octopus experience?

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M.A.S.C Club Member
All I have read is they are messy as all get out and need a larger tank. With a really good top... They are mega smart. Any idea what kind it is?


M.A.S.C Club Member
no exp but i hear they need to solo in a tank with a very tight top
I thought about getting one a long time ago and did a lot of research on them never got one but what I've read is they don't live long maybe a couple years they can fit into any crack they recommended mesh over every inlet and outlet and velcrow the lids on. They have to be in a solo tank otherwise they will eat or kill anything else and they can die of bordum. I read that to help keep them live longer people would put their food in like those plastic Easter eggs or something that was intrestIng for them to open up and mess with so they wouldn't get bored. Like I said that was all stuff I read :) Good luck they are so cool!!!
I think I'm going to start setting up my old 90g for him tomorrow. I've heard about people using eater eggs for food too, I might put an emrald crab or something in a baby food jar tomorrow and see what he can do with it.

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Ahh I thought it was in FoCo and prob came from D&G too I bet. My room mate in college had 2 different ones with very low success a couple months max is all he could get. He would put red dice in the tank and it would play with it and he would drop goldfish into a corona bottle and watch it send a tentacle down to pull it out. I bet you can find lots of cool tricks octos can do on YouTube. Best of luck with that, they are super awesome.


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
It's going to get out, no way around that. I've heard of them getting out out their tanks, crossing the floor, into another tank, eating, then going back to their tank. Mitigate risks and you'll be ok. My .02