I got a rock with a nem I bought and I really didn't want the rock but the nem was attached. The nem finally moved so the rock is ready to go. The guy I got it from said I could DBTC it so here it is!
FYI I do believe I got dinos from the rock. I'm currently fighting it so consider yourself notified. I couldn't dip it with the nem on it.
It's a large rock 2-3 pounds and covered in radioactive dragon eyes and eagle eye zoas. Well over a hundred polyps. It's a nice piece really.
First person to reply gets it. You need to pick up this weekend or next in line gets it. Also make sure you have room. Its roughly 7 inches by 5 inches and about 6 inches tall
FYI I do believe I got dinos from the rock. I'm currently fighting it so consider yourself notified. I couldn't dip it with the nem on it.
It's a large rock 2-3 pounds and covered in radioactive dragon eyes and eagle eye zoas. Well over a hundred polyps. It's a nice piece really.
First person to reply gets it. You need to pick up this weekend or next in line gets it. Also make sure you have room. Its roughly 7 inches by 5 inches and about 6 inches tall