Pea**** Mantis Shrimp w/ or w/out system


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Still available. I have it on a cheapo like 125g stand that's really beat up and some thick thick plywood screwed in on top. I suppose I could let it go but it's vastly oversized and horrible shape.

No it's still available and it's a 40g breeder. @DJMM the video at start gives you a good overview sorta. Nothing fancy just a lot of liverock/sand then the heater and HOB filter.

I could if someone doesn't want the 40b setup and you have nothing of your own (sump monster?) Do like a 20g no stand, or possibly a 30g w/ iron stand. I also could also provide maybe a dinged up small CFL HOB light or a small 12 inch Marineland LED strip. (Just for viewing, remember these things are actually better with no reef lighting.) Those kinds of details PM to work out. I'm pretty easy for mixing the options up.


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Also I'd note I've seen a bunch of stands on CL lately when looking for something else. Could also build one for such a small tank pretty easily.

ALso forgot, another re-assurance. These things don't break stuff. It's an urban myth. This guy in like a 5g might be an issue. Glass heaters are a no-no to be cautious. But he had months of beating on a 29g glass tank without issues.
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Haha awesome. I want the t-shirt
I want him but my daughter said, after watching the oatmeal reel, that she would never come home cause that thing is scary!

Any clue on how they would do in a reef set up?



Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
A reef? He's going to eat anything but the smallest snails and crabs. Any slow or low laying fish are probably toast. (I kept a jailhouse damsel for several months but it could hide in the rocks.) Even bigger fish if curious might be at risk. Only think I'd have tried is a big FOWLR with like big angels and lions. (Big puffer/trigger would probably try to eat him.) Corals should be left alone unless they are in the way of him making burrow/redecorating. If I had more resources I'd probably do a coral "planted" tank that was just a ton of mohawk pallies and kenya/toadstool/xenia so it's ok if he causes damage.

He could be fine in the large sump of a reef tank. Banish your bad crabs to the Rancor pit so to speak. But you don't want him near glass heaters and I imagine the skimmer.

Price reduced a smidge.
Thanks for the reply! I should of clarified reef setup as reef lighting and conditions but you solved my question. someone in Aurora please buy him, I'll bring beers and feeder fish over to watch the carnage!


M.A.S.C Club Member
Dang, that video is hilarious! Going to watch it again. ROLMFAO!:laugh:
