PH Calibration solution


M.A.S.C Club Member
Where do you get your PH Calibration solution at? I have been running my PH probe for 6 or so months, and it started freaking out about 2 weeks ago. I've looked online, and the packets are only $1, but shipping is a fortune.

Also, I should probably ask, how often do you calibrate your PH probes?


M.A.S.C Club Member
Got mine from Bulk Reef Supply last week, but you are right that it only makes sense to pick them up when you are ordering something else because of the shipping costs.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I just found some at Big Al's for .67 each. If I buy 10 of the PH10, and 10 of the PH7's, Shipping will then be about 40% of the cost. But the ironic thing is, it will be cheaper the Marine Depot and BRS.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I don't mind covering the shipping. I owe you more then that.

Please let me know how many of each you want and I'll order them tomorrow.

It just drives me nuts when you order something small and shipping cost so much.

BTW the 10s are a little more then the 7s.

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M.A.S.C Club Member
I thought that once opened these began to degrade due to introduction of normal atmosphere. So once opened these could no longer be guaranteed to have PH values of 7 and 10.

Am I wrong on this?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
They can degrade but to what extent? Its not like they are going to degrade from 10.0 to 9.0 in a matter of seconds. The cap is literally off of the bottle for maybe 5 seconds while I syringe some out. Maybe towards the end of the bottle it will lose a 10th of a point or so but I would imagine the change is very minimal.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Also, its atmospheric CO2 that reduces the buffing agent (especially in 10.0 solution). If you are concerned about the solution degrading you can always open and remove the solution from the bottle outside instead of inside the home since CO2 tends to build up more inside.

The packets aren't 100% accurate either (granted this study was done in '05)


M.A.S.C Club Member
I was aware the packets were not 100% accurate, but I knew they were single use products. I was not sure how much degradation occurred, and if it was only due to time after introduction of contaminants or the amount of contaminants introduced.

If these are stable enough to work a year or two after original opening then that is a great option. I was just concerned that they were designed for large lab environments where recalibration of multiple pieces of equipment would be accomplished over a few days, and the remaining solution destroyed.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Its all relative. I personally dislike the packets (tend to waste more due to my finicky Neptune not keeping settings after a calibration). For a single use, once every 6 month calibration, packets are probably the way to go. Just trying to throw out other options since shipping on packets suck :D


M.A.S.C Club Member
I actually placed an order this morning for the packets. I'm hoping they'll last me 12-18 Months.

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Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
As a lab sales perspon who also sells pH meters, I agree with DJKMS. pH 10 will degrade and go down when exposed to CO2. But for calibration i recommend these tips, and have PDF brochures for my customers:
1. place small amt of calibration solution in a small cup. Do not calibrate in your full buffer bottle. 2. rinse the electrode before and in between calibrations with deionozed water. Make sure you get the Frits- the tiny openings in the bottom of the electrode. 3. If your meter has a TEMP setting - use it. calibrate your electrode in buffer that is about the same temp of your tank. ph changes with temp 3. note that electrodes typical lifespan is max 24 months-after this time and contiuous use they will loose their "Slope" and ability to differentiate pH values.
hope this helps - PM me if you want more detail on pH practice and theory stuff.