My Jawfish is a crowd favorite. Those that are in the hobby seem to always like my Idol. However, those not in the hobby that see my tank just love the jawfish. He took about a month to get settled in and start showing himself outside his hole. He hovers over his burrow grabbing food all day and building his castle higher. He has a little network of tunnels underneath the reef and darts back into his hole if anything is out of the ordinary. It is a very entertaining fish to say the least.
Jawfish IMO do best with the proper substrate for them to build their homes. A lot of people have them with sugar fine sand but they do better with a bit coarser substrate. They also need bigger shell pieces mixed in with the substrate to build walls for their tunnels and a door for their burrow at night. Yes they close the door behind them, its frickn sweet!
Jawfish are very timid so its important to make sure their tankmates won't bother or scare them. Its also important to have a cover for your system as they are known jumpers. All and all a very hardy and active fish, he is always watching everything and everyone. I actually bought a mated trio of them from a diver out in Florida, the trio shared the same burrow in the wild and was caught that way. Unfortunately 2 of the 3 jawfish died overnight the first night I got them

Pretty rare to find even a couple in the wild sharing a hole let alone 3...