Pocillopora turning white.


M.A.S.C Club Member
So I have had this frag from a month or two and was doing great for the longest time. It seemed like over night half of it turned white. the polys are still there they are just white. I thought that is was just bleaching due to, to much light, so I have had it in the sand for about two weeks. So far it has not colored up like when I got it. Am I being inpatient or is there something else I can do? All my over SPS are doing good even the one that feel behind a rock a month ago. So i know they are getting enough light (or at lest think they are). Could it be flow?


M.A.S.C Club Member
give more time on the bottom ...didnt you get leds recently?


M.A.S.C Club Member
I did get leds, but that was like four months ago. Got the frag of the Pocillopora after.

i did forget to mention that I do dose once and awhile with nano code A and B.

For my size tank should I use the nano a/b or the normal one? I have 29 gallon tank.

Walter White

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Where is your alk at? I have (read) that can be a contibuting factor in these types of corals bleaching and sometimes turning pale.


M.A.S.C Club Member
check your alk. I believe alk swings will cause stn and rtn, but it could also be a bacterial infection. GL

Wicked Color

Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Mg dosed in any quantity will increase salinity, so be careful with that, also use kalkwasser to maintain and increase alk and Ca, also to be done carefully as this can raise PH and Alk very rapidly with a relatively small ammount.
LEDs have been attributed in many cases to poor health in some of the touchier SPS, and clams, but there is no concrete evidence just yet.


M.A.S.C Club Member
hurrafreak;114127 said:
If alk is the problem and you can't get it up, try adding magnesium as well.
i tryed dipping it in mag last night ...still couldn't get it up, burned a little though ....lmao


M.A.S.C Club Member
dv3;114198 said:
i tryed dipping it in mag last night ...still couldn't get it up, burned a little though ....lmao

My Alk was a little low and has come up in the last few days, looks like that and less light on the frag might be working.