Possible coral bleaching? And polyp ID?


M.A.S.C Club Member
I got this rock full of polyps and it was in there sump so it wasn't getting the best of light when I put it in my tank and it started opening I noticed the centers turning white can polyps bleach and what should I do to prevent it and if you can identify polyps that would be great I can get a closer pic if needed when I got them they had a light pink center didn't notice any different color on the mouth and very vibrant green skirt.




M.A.S.C Club Member
I do not think Z's or P's can bleach. I think they are just responding to the increase in light as you can tell they where a little starved. Not sure what they are but they do look darn cool.


M.A.S.C Club Member
KhensuRa;126252 said:
I do not think Z's or P's can bleach. I think they are just responding to the increase in light as you can tell they where a little starved. Not sure what they are but they do look darn cool.
When they start looking a little better I'll put a frag together for you if you'd like.


Registered Users
M.A.S.C Club Member
I would move them to the bottom of the tank, if they are already there, move them under a shaded ledge. They were starving for light before, you can tell by the extension on them. I am sure if they were in a sump with little light, they will be fine at the lowest light you can give them until they are acclimated to having light again.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Mine are loosing a little white but about 75% still have a lot of white but are opening and eating fine.