Powder brown tang?

So I wanted to add a tang to my 72 bow and I was thinking a powder brown tang does anyone have one in there tanks. Should I add something different ?

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Well what fish do you already have in it, and what size skimmer do you have?

I ask because technically that tang needs a slightly bigger tang to be happy in the long term. Although you could prolly get away with it as long as you are feed him pretty heavily and are overskimming to help clean up the waste. If you dont have an over sized skimmer, then I would likely stick with koles, two spots or scopas tangs.

I was actually thinking of adding one of these to my tank to go with my blue eyed two spot tang as they are very pretty fish.


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I agree with SynDen - but I'm not even sure that overfeeding and heavy skimming would help a lot unless you get really lucky. PBs are *extremely* ich-prone, and they need 6' long tanks for swimming space or they get stressed. My powder ran the length of my 180 all day long like it was a racetrack- very active fish, not a slow mover or meanderer. I have seen 1 happy powder in a 72 bowfront (DyM has a spectacular powder blue), so it's technically possible, but it defies all of the odds and you prolly stand a better chance of winning the lottery. Scopas, kole, two spot, or maybe a yellow tang would be a much better choice. (note: just one of the above, not all of them)
Just my 2 cents. I know I sound like the tang police, but I just wanna save you money and frustration.
I have a skimmer rated to 120 gallons the tank it's. 4 years old and I have a purple tang about 3 inches and 2 clowns and a flame angel I also like the naso tang

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Ya with a purple in the tank which also should really have a bigger tank, I would have to say dont do the powder. To much risk for the fish's long term health. And a naso is definalty out of the question, you need a very large tank for those. I would say if you really want those fish then start thinking about upgrading to a bigger tank to suit them. A 180-200 g tank would do well.


Sting ray
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I have a powder blue in a 72 gal. Over 5 yrs now. I gather I'll have to send to a new home in a yr or 2 but no regrets, probably my favorite fish. I do feed a lot and skim a lot, but I have like 22 fish so that's my fault.


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DyM;295247 said:
I have a powder blue in a 72 gal. Over 5 yrs now. I gather I'll have to send to a new home in a yr or 2 but no regrets, probably my favorite fish. I do feed a lot and skim a lot, but I have like 22 fish so that's my fault.
Your powder blue is clearly doing well, and extremely happy. I wouldn't change a thing. It's just a 1 in a billion fish. Most of them, however, get ich if you look at them wrong.
I'm going to upgrade to like 155 in couple of months if I got a small naso till then or will he stress

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I had a sailfin it was like 9 inches so I just move it to a bigger tank and now the purple is always hiding I wonder if it was cuz she was always following the sailfin

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Rigo07;295256 said:
I'm going to upgrade to like 155 in couple of months if I got a small naso till then or will he stress

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As a general rule, plan for what you have, not what you plan to have. Things sometimes don't work the way we would like them to. Case and point, my friend bought tangs for his planned 120 upgrade. He ended up buying a house and funds are tighter now. No more spare cash for a tank. His tangs got marine ich and died, now he's sad.


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Just got in powder brown, powder blue and mata tang today.. Just sayin



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lol you are evil sir