Pregnant or fat??

My lawnmower blennie went from being kind of thin from the lfs to having a really round stomach and I'm wondering if she's just had her full of algae or if she's got some babies in there. Also if there are eggs can someone help me raise them :) I'll give you some in return

Also sorry about the algae I got a better clean up crew yesterday


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Mine looked like that for a few months, at one point I thought he was going to explode. I'm pretty sure it's normal or at least mine lived through it. Don't think it's pregnant though.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Well u isn't sex Ed but it would take a male and female for the eggs to get furtalized and hatch. More then likely he needs a good bowel movement or needs to go on a diet.
Hahahaha I always see lots of poo from him so I guess he's just fat. I just remember having a molly from petsmart that we didn't know was pregnant, and I came home from school one day and she was dead with babies still coming out and it's scarred me a little.