Problem=Vermatid Snails and Sponges


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hey guys...
I wanted to not add any more livestock until my new system was up and running, but the vermatid snails and sponges are getting out of hand in my current tank.

I am looking for some kind of reef-safe fish or invert that will eat vermatid snails.
Before Mr. Fish (a McClosker's Flasher Wrasse) went carpet surfing, I never had much problem with I think he was keeping them in check.
Anyone have a McClosker's fairy wrasse or similar they want to get rid of? A Pair would be even better. I prefer to get in pairs if possible.
Also...sponge eaters...I am thinking angelfish here? Gotta be reef safe though. Any input much appreciated.

Currently, other than my coral, I have Bangai Cardinals (could use two more of these...looks like last time I got two same-sex), Ocellaris Clowns, one yellow tang, and two cleaner shrimp. Oh...also a pistol shrimp and goby pair.

Any advice much appreciated.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Most, if not all wrasses in the genus Halichoeres should take care of your vermetid snail problem. It is possible but not likely they will go after your shrimps. I have a Christmas and Green Choris wrasse in my system and neither have went after any of my shrimp. Here are your choices:
Of all the ones listed, I would say the yellow or Christmas wrasse would be your safest bets.

In regards to sponges, yes, Angelfish are your best bet but they do come with some risk.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
I would go for a Bannana wrasse to help with the snails, mine does great at it. Sometimes they get out of control in the fuge, Ill catch the bannana wrasse, put him in the fuge for a couple days and the vermatids are gone, he does howver go after other snails if i dont keep him fed.

As for angles, I personally have not had luck with any of the dwarf angles eating sponges, I have a coral beauty and a flame in my 180 and neither one of them will touch sponges, regardless of live or frozen, maybe one of the bigger breeds would be a better choice here.