Protein skimmer

I have 180 gallon tank and I have been having problem with my protein skimmer.
It is SWC mini S skimmer and I can not get it to work right this last few month. I took it out of the sump and found the air hose is clogged with salt. I thought I hit the jackpot. It worked good for one day and then started to push water really fast. I keep adjusting the water level in the sump and the adjustment in the skimmer itself with no luck. I am thinking to buy me a new one, what is the best one out there? What are you guys using? How often do you guys have to adjust it?
I have a life reef skimmer and never have to adjust it as long as my water level doesn't change. I know others who use SWC skimmers and have good results, how much are you wanting to spend on a skimmer? I think that is going to be important for people to know so they can recommend some skimmers for you.


M.A.S.C Club Member
You might try cleaning that pump real good, all manners of life can live in it and cause it to fail.
Huskyguy;210414 said:
Willing to spend around 500$. I did clean the pump twice.
What about sticking with a SWC I just looked on there site and the first two skimmers they have are under that price, I'm thinking you could easily get away with the first one and the second would be over kill but looks like a nice skimmer, I love my life reef but bought it used other wise I would be able to afford a $ 500+ skimmer


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have a asm g2 for 100$ works great rated for 200gal


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
MASC Vice-President
I know of a couple people running a g2 on 180's I have on on my 120 with many sps. Good skimmer! Do it.


M.A.S.C Club Member
sounds like an issue still exists with your air line. "pushing water really fast" - sounds like it isn't pulling air into the impeller?

i use an asm g4 for similar tank size. pulls lots of gunk, no adjustments ever due to ATO keeping the sump water line consistent.
I will take it apart in the next few days and give it a try for the last time.
I am busy with my new toy, I just installed new nitrate reactor and I had to move a lot of stuff around.
I will keep you guys updated.


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Sounds like you don't have the correct water depth. Try running it wide open then manually raising and lowering until you are producing bubbles. Easier to do if you have space to get your arms in there, otherwise be prepared for a shoulder workout. All this raising and lowering is just so you know how big to make your skimmer stand.

By your description, I'd say it's too deep......or your impeller is broken. My SWC160 was doing the same thing, no bubbles, just rushing water, my impeller was broken, replaced with the red one from MD and it works better than ever.

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