Question about head pressure with pumps.


M.A.S.C Club Member
If you have a 90 degree bend under water does that add to the head pressure? From what I've read the head pressure doesn't start till you are above the water line with a straight pipe, but I can't seem to find any information on if you have bends under the water line.
If you ad the 90 degree bend it will effect head pressure above or below the water. You will lose head due to friction above or below water line, which is essentially what you get from using the 90 degree elbow. You just don't lose pressure due to the difference in height from the water level to the pump output.


M.A.S.C Club Member
So is it beter to do 4" straight then 90 degree up 11" or to go 4 inches straight then slowly bend up 18"? I'm guessing the longer distance with the slow bend.
I hate to do this to you but it does depend on a lot of thing. Pump max head, max flow, pump curve etc. What kind of flow rate are you trying to achieve and what pump are you using?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Jeremiah;247613 said:
So is it beter to do 4" straight then 90 degree up 11" or to go 4 inches straight then slowly bend up 18"? I'm guessing the longer distance with the slow bend.
Depends on the width of the pipe. The head loss from a 90 degree elbow is equivalent to 30 x the pipe width

Check out the chart on this page for reference.

You can also play with the calculator on this page if you don't want to do the math. ;)


M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks a ton.

This is for my nuvo 16, they have chamber on each side that I want to shove a pump into. Right now I'm getting a rediculous amount of micro bubbles plus need to free up as much of that middle section for my probes and auto top off. I figure putting the pump way back will prevent alot of those micro bubbles plus the water fall effect i'm getting is tossing huge bubbles into the pump as it is. I've found the AQ600 it has 159gph / 46" head. So I'm thinking I'll be ok, just not sure what kind of flow I'll end up with...debating just the tube that goes straight down then 90 into the pump vs the left side return going to the right side and vice versa to get less of a bend, but that doesn't help as much with my space issue.

The AQ600 is 2.5" x 1.5" and the space I have is slightly more than 2.5" and 1.75" the other way so shoudlnt need a shoe horn.

I already am stuck with the 90 going back into the from section plus spinstreams eat up some pressure also.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Yea on my nanocube I just use vinyl tubing and used a turn rather than 90 degree elbows when I hooked up my GFO reactor. The elbows were restricting the flow too much and I wasn't getting any tumble.

Are you getting microbubbles from the water spilling over the baffles and into the return chamber? Not too familiar with that tank, but in my nanocube, I just raised the water level a bit to keep that to a minimum...if that doesn't work for some reason, you can also toss a sponge just above the water line where it spills into the return chamber. I had to do that to prevent microbubbles from getting into the tank where the skimmer outlet spilled right on top of one of my returns.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I get micro bubbles from the skimmer, and if the water gets low i get more from the over spill. I do keep the water level high to stop the waterfall effect, but that didn't stop the micro bubbles from the skimmer, so I put in sponges.

Now I need to remove all of those sponges so I can get my auto top off float switches + my shinny new probes to fit in that middle chamber. So I wanted to move the pumps that involves new pumps because the old ones are a bit large and can't fit in those spaces.

Sigh...I need a bigger tank(LOL)


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Question about head pressure with pumps.

Jeremiah;247632 said:
I get micro bubbles from the skimmer, and if the water gets low i get more from the over spill. I do keep the water level high to stop the waterfall effect, but that didn't stop the micro bubbles from the skimmer, so I put in sponges.

Now I need to remove all of those sponges so I can get my auto top off float switches + my shinny new probes to fit in that middle chamber. So I wanted to move the pumps that involves new pumps because the old ones are a bit large and can't fit in those spaces.

Sigh...I need a bigger tank(LOL)
Ah I see now. takes some trial and error. I know what you mean though, in the middle of an upgrade and the sump makes life much easier. :)

Enjoy it for the time being, I'm sure you'll pick up some valuable lessons along the way!

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2


M.A.S.C Club Member
So my new pumps fit perfectly and have enough flow, so I consider that a win...(to bad that didn't fix the micro bubble issue...I'll keep trying stuff till something works.)

Atleast it freed up the space in that middle chamber so now i can work on setting up my probes and top off.

Thanks for the advice...