Quipment for sale


Angel Fish
I am braking down my tank and am selling the hardware after the livestock is gone. I never thought this day would come. Here's the list
150 gal 48x24x30 Tank stand canopy live sand $700
Mp40w one is es 2x $300ea
30 gal oceanic reef sump free w/ tank or $50
Apex aqua controller 2 eb8s w/ lunar lightsx6 300
4 stage RO unit new RO filter w/ spectra pure auto shut off $120
2 two little fishes phosban reactors 1@$40w/ mj1200. 1 older no o-ring w/ random pump $30
2x BRS dosing pumps 1.1 mls/min tubing and jugs $ 50ea
2x 400w metal halides w/ radium bulbs less than 6 months And lumen max 2 reflectors $275
ARO 4x110w vho ballast and harness no bulbs $50
Ehiem 1260 return pump $75
Aquabee 7000 return pump $130


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I'm going to PM you on the Apex.


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
how much for just the auto shut off