Rainbow bubble tip for sale

I've got like 5 of these things. They keep splitting. I can't post pics on here for some reason, probably because I have an android, but if you want pics just pm me and I'll text some to you. Need to get rid of these things.

Some are really orange and green a d so e or more red. They come from two different tanks so that with different lighting so that probably makes a difference. $20 a nem


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
I've got like 5 of these things. They keep splitting. I can't post pics on here for some reason, probably because I have an android, but if you want pics just pm me and I'll text some to you. Need to get rid of these things.

Some are really orange and green a d so e or more red. They come from two different tanks so that with different lighting so that probably makes a difference. $20 a nem
I sent you a pm. I'll post your photos for you to help out.


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Since you're not a club member you need to host the elsewhere are then link them on the site. This is one of the benefits to being a member


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