Reactors ??? Yes No??


Butterfly Fish
Im thinking of buying a reactor or two for my tank (34cube). Like to hear some input on them.
Do you have one? If so what kind?
Any suggestions and advice would be great.
Im really trying to get my params stable to grow all my sps
Im thinking biopellet reactor or Kalk.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I personally dont think a reactor is even really necessary for that small of a tank. a kalk reactor would be an improvement over dosing by hand, but can be dangerous in a small tank. A biopellet reactor is also really easy to screw up in that small of a tank since you can deplete all the oxygen in the tank easily if you put too much vodka in and get a big bacterial bloom. You would probably be better off getting a dosing pump and sticking to 2 part.
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Ya I think I would have to agree with zombie, to easy to nuke that small of a tank with either of those reactors


M.A.S.C Club Member
I would check out the post "Tanks, and stuff" and just pick up his BRS dosing pumps. If you have (or buy) some digital timers or an aquarium controller that would make a super effective dosing system to keep your parameters stable for less than $100


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I run both types of reactors in different systems, Kalk stirrers are nice for bigger systems, but honestly don't run one in my smaller system's. Your no more likely to overdose a system with Kalk than any other additive. The key to any dosing system, two part, or kalk, is the accuracy of your timer, or measurement. The systems that I run stirrers on, are basically on timers ( apex controlled with safety's ), and dose a full saturation of kalk at given times of the night. The kalk dose is not directly responsible for top off, there is a separate top off system that catches the system up during the day ( this is important for fully saturated kalk ).

On a smaller system, you can dilute the kalk to match your top off consumption, and use with an ato. Kalk is cheaper to use that 2 part in my opinion, but can be a pain to dial in, and often needs to be adjusted with ca or alk to balance the system.

As for Bio Pellets, there is no rocket science to it, but its not the holey grail either. You don't use bio pellets, and vodka at the same time, both being carbon sources, its redundant and hard to measure if you combine. I wouldn't recommend carbon dosing of any kind without investing in some research, you can do more harm than good.


Butterfly Fish
So ill be best off just getting BRS dosing pumps? I assume 3 of them Mg Alk Ca? And ill be good to go? I really plan on packing this tank with all SPS. Right now my nutrient levels are to high for sps and have some algae issues that's why I was thinking biopellet would be best. If you all think dosers is the way to go ill go that route. I don't know where I will fit any reactors under that tank anyway Lol.
Thanks for the input


M.A.S.C Club Member
You could easily get away with just 2 pumps and dose mag by hand. Mag consumption is usually 1/20th of alk and cal (at least for brs two part) so I just added 35 ml once a week to my water change water when I was dosing 100ml a day.


Butterfly Fish
Its surprising how complicated dosing is to me haha. I test my water every Friday and noticed my calcium and alk is the same every week. my corals aren't eating it? or I just don't have enough corals to make an impact?
would a doser dose to much? If I have nothing taking it in


M.A.S.C Club Member
Everytime you do water changes, you are replenishing cal and alk that your corals have been consuming. If your readings are staying stable, then there is not enough demand to merit any dosing beyond water changes YET. Eventually as your colonies grow bigger they will start consuming more than water changes can provide and you will need to dose to make up for that.

Do you currently have a good sized refugium, protein skimmer, and auto top off for the tank? If not, I would get those going before looking into reactors and dosing.
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M.A.S.C Club Member
That is definately sufficient. Do you have an auto top off for it?


M.A.S.C Club Member
If thats the case, I would spend the money you were thinking of spending on a reactor on one of those instead. If I can find all the brackets and whatnot for my JBJ, I can sell you that for like $40. I have no use for it since I use my apex for auto top off now.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I'll dig around for it. If I find everything, ill let you know and bring it to the meeting on sunday.


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Ya you certainly would be better served getting an ATO. If you have an ATO and your corals start getting to a point that they are consuming more alk and calc then you can just use Kalkwasser in the top off water to keep up with their demands