Reef ai


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
Has anyone preordered a Reef Ai? I was thinking about doing it a few months ago but held off when I noticed their shipping date constantly changing. Was wondering if anyone who had preordered this was receiving updates from Reef Ai about when it will get to them, or if they have even already got it. Startups sketch me out, but I like some of their products concepts and would love to jump on one before they make it $800 like the Apex.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Its already not a great deal compared to an apex. You are paying 550 for 2 extra outlets, a par meter, and a webcam, but minus an extra probe slot vs 500 for a full apex that can be integrated into more things, has better coding, and has better support.


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
I was interested in the $150 package, their sundrop covers all the things I care about monitoring with a controller, sense I am not running a calcium reactor.
Bewm! So I talked to these guys some at MACNA. Overall the concept is cool. I think everything looks clunky though and I guess I'm not a huge fan of the browser based control, I'd prefer a phone app or a stand alone PC or Linux based program personally, again that's just me though. They said that they were looking at a standalone application when I spoke with them but at the time it didn't exsist, and I never checked back to see if they added it. Only 2 or 4 controllable outlets is a big turn off as well. I'm happy with my RKL, for the overall 75 bucks I've spent on the thing I can control my ATO, Dosing pumps, lights, monitor temp, control my heater. I just started the process towards dosing 2 part, today as a matter of fact I started logging my Calc, Alk and Mag levels. I test ph by hand. I'm actually considering a reef angel for a controller of my upcoming 180 build and I'll keep my RKL on the frag flat. Getting Getting a sweet deal on the Reef Angel, too good to turn down otherwise I'd go apex on my display, and hell I still just might we'll see


M.A.S.C Club Member
Skrappy;343157 said:
I was interested in the $150 package, their sundrop covers all the things I care about monitoring with a controller, sense I am not running a calcium reactor.
If all you want to do is monitor and not control, then its not a bad deal, but if you want to control your lights, heaters, skimmer, pumps, dosing, ATO, etc. then they really cant compete with an apex.


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
^ This. I couldn't agree more. I know everyone has their preferred brands but for my system and my money, nothing beat the apex in expandability, integration, and support. I've asked them a few questions via email and they've responded within hours where their SLO is 48 hours.


M.A.S.C Club Member
ayaws;343304 said:
I've asked them a few questions via email and they've responded within hours where their SLO is 48 hours.
And you also have Russ, Bert, Alain, aquamaniac, and myself spearheading the forums and we know our ****.


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
thank you guys for your opinions, i love u all, but none of this has anything to do with my question :joyous: these controllers have specific categories here in the forum where you can talk about and compare them.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Considering noboby has responded yet, I dont think any active members have preordered. Perhaps pose the question on reef central as well or talk to the company directly?


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Sorry @Skrappy. I completely misread your initial question and responded incorrectly.

Hooked on phonics apparently didn't work for me.


M.A.S.C Club Member
ayaws;343339 said:
Sorry @Skrappy. I completely misread your initial question and responded incorrectly.

Hooked on phonics apparently didn't work for me.
Youre not the only one. I originally read it as a "should I get this" sort of thing until skrappys last post.


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
its all good, and i do appreciate your opinions.
and yeah i was gonna take silence as no one has ordered one.


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ya I looked at their stuff at macna as well, considered pre-order. Think they have a great concept for those that just want to monitor their system but didnt quite seem to give me the control I was looking for, although very curious to see what others can do with it
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