Reef Octopus Acting Up


M.A.S.C Club Member
So I finally set up my 90 and used a reef octopus nwb150 with a bubble blaster 1000 that have a used before in the past. The problem I am having is controlling the water level in the skimmer. I thought that the skimmer was submerged too much in the water and built a skimmer stand out of pvc and egg crate so now it sits a lil higher and it is still overflowing. Do I have to break the skimmer in again? I know that these skimmers work at a optimum water level of about 6-8". I have used it in the past before and the skimmer worked fine. Anyone have any thoughts on what could be wrong?


M.A.S.C Club Member
Yes you do have to breakthrough skimmer in again. I pulled mine out and it dried out for a day. Never cleaned it and had the same problem. Give it a week and it will be good


M.A.S.C Club Member
So keep runnng it and should it be fine that the sludge dumps back into the refugium, just some cycled sand and dry rock in the tank currently.


M.A.S.C Club Member
opakapaka;212048 said:
So keep runnng it and should it be fine that the sludge dumps back into the refugium, just some cycled sand and dry rock in the tank currently.
No keep the skimmer water level low until it breaks in.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Thats the thing even on the lowest setting it overflows.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Raise it higher. Where it's only 5" in water that will help


M.A.S.C Club Member
Thats the thing I don't get its only in 4 inch of water.


M.A.S.C Club Member
reefmaster719;212076 said:
You sure the venturi valve is working and nit clogged?
Pretty sure this skimmer has no Venturi valve on it, it uses a needle wheel impeller not a Venturi


M.A.S.C Club Member
Yeah its not clogged took it apart cleaned it and put it back together and its still doing the same thing. I now have the pump intake close to the glass of my sump so that there is less water going into the skimmer so that I can run it without having it overflow in order to keep in running for break in.
It says on the aquacave website user manual that you can control the water level in the skimmer by adjusting the riser tube, but when I look at the actual instruction manual for setting the skimmer up it says to use the gate valve to adjust the level inside the skimmer it also says it should be in 6 to 10 inches of water.

The gate valve opens and closes properly?


M.A.S.C Club Member
That is what I would use to control the water level inside the skimmer but even with it fully opened it overflows the collection cup. Funny thing is that I used this skimmer in the past with a different tank and it sat dry for about a year. But even before when I used it on the previous tank there was really no break in period as I bought it used from a member and it sat dry for awhile before I even used it then.
opakapaka;212157 said:
That is what I would use to control the water level inside the skimmer but even with it fully opened it overflows the collection cup. Funny thing is that I used this skimmer in the past with a different tank and it sat dry for about a year. But even before when I used it on the previous tank there was really no break in period as I bought it used from a member and it sat dry for awhile before I even used it then.
Are you sure the valve is opening ? I don't think the skimmer is going to break in and stop overflowing on its own.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Yes the valve is open and the adjustment knob works fine. This morning before work I turned on the skimmer and move the pump intake away from the face of the glass of the sump and it seem to be working fine on the lowest setting, and the water level sits below the neck of the skimmer. Turned it off before I went to work but I will check again when I get off of work to see if it has finally broken in.


M.A.S.C Club Member
So its still acting up. I dont know if I am missing a riser pipe for the outlet from the skimmer that connects to the valve opening or not? If skimmer outlet was higher would it lower the water level in the skimmer? I currently have it running to where it does not look like it is gonna overflow, but just gotta keep my eye on it and hope that it is still breaking in.


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
I got a used super octopus and I'm not sure how long it was dry. It took mine about two weeks to start running right. The sweet spot for mine is between 6 and 7 inches depth. Try a water change in case there is some additive or something else that is making it do this. Mine just overflowed constantly and then one day just started working right. Pulls out a ton of skim now.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Mines is currently at about 5", and I have already had a spill onto the hardwood floor. The thing is that I have been cycling the water and sand for the past 2 months and added dry marco rock about two weeks ago and the water parameters are spot on. Wife keeps telling me when is she gonna see some fishes in the tank. I am currently running a refugium and the skimmer. Will it be ok for me to transfer some of my fishes from my nano to the tank while the skimmer is breaking in if I also have a refugium section?