Remote deep sand bed

Haulin Oates

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
One of the frustrations in my DT has always been the sand... So after careful consideration I've decided to pull the sand out and make a faux sand bed in the DT, but I do see the benefits of a DSB elsewhere in the system. So I think one of the chambers of the sump tank will be a DSB. After doing so research I've found the most productive area is at the bottom of the 5 to 6 inch bed, where the anoxic area converts nitrate to nitrogen with bacteria. I've also found that lack of oxygen, and CO2 buildup help these areas do there job... So would a plenum at the bottom with a slow CO2 injection help the process? How about a french drain style tube and flow though design, forcing water thru the sand somehow? Thoughts?


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well flow through the sand bed would defeat the purpose because the bacteria would not colonize as much and you would have a constant sandstorm in my sump one or two of my chambers will have a 5-6" sandbed

Haulin Oates

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Craigar;180254 said:
Well flow through the sand bed would defeat the purpose because the bacteria would not colonize as much and you would have a constant sandstorm in my sump one or two of my chambers will have a 5-6" sandbed
With water just flowing over it?


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
I had a DSB in my sump on my last setup. Worked well, no problems. I'd just dump 6" of sand in and call it a day. Water movement will prevent the anoxic areas from forming and CO2 injection is overkill, not to mention more stuff to break down or maintain. Not sure it'd gain you anything, could hurt, including an increase in dissolved CO2 that could fuel increased algal growth.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I bought a bunch of equipment from a guy that was getting out of the hobby after a decade. He had an AMAZING reef and ran DUAL deep sand beds off his basement sump. They were big too...two 30g or so rubbermaid totes with about 10" of sand. He just had a slow flow over both that dumped back into his fuge I believe. Worked great for him.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Plus, the extra CO2 will depress your pH. Don't do that.

You need a big area for a sand bed to really work. How big is your sump?