

Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have a 100 gpd rodi unit it's a 6 stage
1st sedement
2-3 carbon
4 ro
5 di
6 inline carbon
My question is Next month it's time to replace the membrane are tyey universal or do I need to go through who I bought the set up from?

300 gallon mixed reef
90 gallon bowfront fowlr


M.A.S.C Club Member
they should be universal as long as you get the same size

just curious...why do you think its time to change the membrane next month?
they usually last 3-5 years or more you have a tds meter to test it


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well it's going on 2 years old and I'm changing all my filters so I figured I should go ahead and change it! I thought it was 2-3 years to change it? I don't have a TSS meter that's getting bought this go around to

300 gallon mixed reef
90 gallon bowfront fowlr


M.A.S.C Club Member
im just guessing here but its and educated one ;)
i would say buy a dual tds with your filters and test your water out of your membrane before the DI if its less than 5 (mine is between 0-2) i would say you are good for atleast another year sense in wasting $ if you dont need too


M.A.S.C Club Member
not sure of anyone that sells them ...might check some hydroponic shops


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Is there different grades in membranes? Is a certain brand better?
What brand rodi unit do you have I have a water general. 100 gpd

300 gallon mixed reef
90 gallon bowfront fowlr


M.A.S.C Club Member
most places dont list their brand but DOW is supposed to be the best ....i wouldn't worry about that though
there is a certification it should have ...forget the name NCE? maybe i dunno

my rodi is pieced together from several i have 2 membranes piggy backed for less waste water


M.A.S.C Club Member
you run the waste out of the first to supply the second ...and you have to pull the "restricter" out of the first


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I just ordered a dual Tds meter and new filters minus the membrane I want to see where I'm at.

Where are you suggesting that I put my two meter points?

300 gallon mixed reef
90 gallon bowfront fowlr


M.A.S.C Club Member
you put one before di and one after
the one before tells you when to replace the membrane
the one after thells you when to replace di

a pressure gauge tells you when to replace your filters