Ryan's 20L



Well, I finally gave in. My 10 gal is overflowing with coral growth. Grabbed a 20L with Petco's $1/gal deal.

Spent the majority of a Sunday de-rimming and cleaning silicon. Water test:

Im thinking Ill keep the same idea from the 10 gal with an AC70. Just bought 2 more used Panorama Pros online which im unsure of how to use. I kinda wanted to go to a 20k metal halide for a different look.

I was also thinking of replacing the 10 gallon in the bookshelf, but Im not sure how much the shelf will hold, even supported like it is for the 10. If I did replace the 10 in the shelf, I could make this a penninsula tank....


Progress! Same design as the 10g, overflow is siliconed in.

Got a used AC70 at reef n pond for $5! Waiting for silicon to dry for flow test

MP10 is patiently waiting in the 10g, and panorama pros are standing by as well. Thinking i might go MH on this one though....


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Great find on that ac70!

Really like the built in overflow for surface skimming. Once my tank was up an running and I saw what was being left on top...I had that same idea as an afterthought. Should've slowed down my build a little. ;)


thanks dude. this way the entire tank's water level does not drop with evap, just whats in the tube. I have extra tube if you want to build one for yours, before you get too far along...


figured i'd try a new way to get a sponge filter in there. made this little (removable) shelf right in the overflow. well see how it works...



Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
ryan;195505 said:
thanks dude. this way the entire tank's water level does not drop with evap, just whats in the tube. I have extra tube if you want to build one for yours, before you get too far along...
Hmmm...I have a 10gal I could hold everything in for a few days while I do that install...too tempting to pass up.

Thanks Ryan, dropping you a pm.


salt water is in!

think ill run it as a frag tank for the time being. still deciding on what light to get...

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Wow man tank looks awesome!!! The overflow idea is very ingenious and looks like it works great!!!!


thanks, its working great! Got the light in. 250k fishneedit 20k. Some frags have already found their new home. Im excited to see the different growth and colorations under the MH vs the LEDs.

Man I didnt know you were putting two in there, holy cow man you can make some serious waves in there now. Did you try to anti sync them yet. Looks great Ryan!


thanks, but Im trying to get rid of one myself right now. all the leds are over the 10g, this one is staying MH