Sad Saturday. No more tank.


Cleaner Shrimp
My devastating news. Saturday approx between 3am and 7am the bottom seal on the 150 gallon replacement tank I was borrowing failed. A factory seal. The bottom of the tank bowed out breaking the seal in the center of the rear of the tank. The result was loss of over 150 gallons of water on the floor, loss of 13 of fish and half a dozen corals.

(FYI the tank was completely level, I checked every other day for the last month to check for settling since the 125 failed)

Luckily I had my wifes 46 gallon tank and the 40 gallon frag tank that we stuffed full of coral and the fish we saved.

The sad part is no replacement tank. No cash for one, and nothing to really trade for one.

So.. I will be posting a few things for sale in the for sale forum. I've got far more livestock than the other tanks can handle for a long term.

What a sad weekend for my family.. The house just doesn't feel the same without that big tank. My 5 year old and 6 year old boys have asked me all morning where all the pretty fish and stuff are..

After the first of the year we plan on starting over on tax season comes around. New tank, new gear.
But its gona be a long 3 months waiting..

static reef

SCMAS Board Members
I understand. the same thing happened to me not to long ago. tough hobby this is. Acrylic or glass? keep your head up. there are some smokin deals on other tanks right now


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Sorry to hear that man.


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Cleaner Shrimp
The tank that failed was a glass 150. I'm looking at getting a 150 to 300 gallon seamless acrylic the next go round, depends on the deal I can find.
Steel stand, no wood. LED lights right from the start.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Bummer, keep an eye out on cl tanks can come up super cheap! Are u selling any fish? I would be intrested if u could send me a list 303-718-3484.

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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Man, so, so sorry to hear. Ill keep my eye out for any good deals on tanks for you. If you neef a temporary home for anything, im happy to help, even if its long term


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
rockys_pride;203308 said:
I thought I saw some larger tanks at Great White in FoCo

D&G had their L-shaped tank for sale, $700.
That tank is ROUGH!! Lol

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Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
rockys_pride;203320 said:
For sure! Let's call that one a fixer upper
Lol yea good call, he always has alot of tanks in stock though new and used.

You can also look at aqua imports in boulder as well

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Cleaner Shrimp
Update... We pulled the 150's bottom out.. I am SO ****ED OFF!! its not factory after all.. but the bottom has been replaced.. WITH 1/4 inch GLASS.. Laser cut to boot.. So now I know why the bottom failed.. We are looking to see if we can find a place local to cut a 1/2 or larger piece for the bottom. I'm thinking about making it over 1/2 inch just for the hell of it. It was a professional repair job, they just used the wrong glass. maybe JUST maybe.. I can have my tank back sooner..


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
If you cant find anything let me know there is a great shop in longmont and you and have it cut, pay and i would be happy to meet u in greeley with it to help ya out. The name is hillcrest glass.

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