Sick of ich, need help what is going wrong.

I have been in you shoes so many times. In the past i have had good luck with soaking meaty fish food in kent extreme garlic . makes the fish senses go wild and keeps them eating. But if it was me i would not try and get any of the fish out of the tank.Just let it run its course. I have had great success in the past doing things that way .good luck


M.A.S.C Club Member
As others have said metro/focus/garlic is a great way to get ich under control. It's never been proven wether ich is always there or it isn't so it's hard to tell where/how you get it. I mentioned this to someone else that had an ich issue as well, but rmougey had kind of a cool way of getting rid of ich, and it may be worth it to try and see what he has to say?
Ah found an older post with his tech. The water change method. I had considered that, but not sure if I can maintain that number of water changes. My rodi doesnt pump out more than 50g in a day if im lucky. Not to mention my work schedule would pretty much trump it for being consistent.

The fish are still feeding well and looking decent, Im working on stabalizing my dt and everything is looking good aside from nitrates. Will be working to get them down a bit tomorrow and finishing my qt tank in case i have to pull the fish. Id really like to see them immunize to this the same way my chromis and damsels have. After having my tank fallow for 3 months and getting a new outbreak I think the fish developing immunity might be my only chance, since Im far from perfect at reefing at this point.
Fish are looking good and still eating well. QT is ready just in case symptoms get excessive.
Treatment will be Stability/garlic/Metro/Focus the last two items will be here in two days which by then the stability and garlic have hopefully bumped there immune system up.

Thank you guys for all your input! Will post back as things progress.

Any thoughts on pretreating for ich during new additions quarantine stay?


M.A.S.C Club Member
Sounds like things are doing better!!!

There have been many threads on Ich and I can't remember who asked haha. Someone asked where they can find Metro (looks like you ordered it) and it was in the Springs. Jim at Seascapes should have it in the springs, but there are many others in Denver as well.
after about ten tries I got seascape to answer the phone, they said they didn't carry it lol. it's cool got a decent deal online, and added a few other things I had wanted to order.
ty for the tip though.

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