Skimmer building up detritus?


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have a reef octopus bh-100 hob skimmer on my 30 gallon. It pulls at least a cup of dark skim mate every 3-4 days and I clean out the collection cup 1x a week.
Been having a hard time w hair algae and cyano on my tank for a few months.
I pulled the skimmer off a few days ago to clean and the bottom of each chamber had a lot of buildup that had developed. Since pulling the skimmer, montis and pocillipora have extended more, cyano has reseeded considerably and hair algae is not as aggressive.
Haven't tested water params but will head up to great white next week to check those. I have kept everything else the same as far as husbandry.

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I remove and clean my skimmer every couple of months. Sounds like your tank/skimmer like it when your skimmer is clean.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I haven't added it back on yet, I clean it every 6 months, this being the second time and was really surprised at the amount of buildup that was on it.

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I clean mine once a month. And once a year I take it out and run it for few hours with vinegar to completely renew it. Sounds like yours could use that treatment


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I also remove my skimmer monthly and give it a quick scrub...I run if in vinegar every 3 months.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Got it in a 5 gallon w vinegar water at the moment.

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