Skimmer cleaning


M.A.S.C Club Member
My skimmer (a Tunze 9004) is about due for a good cleaning. Should the skimmer be on while it is soaking in a bucket? Would this help clean out anything built up in the pump? Also, what ratio of water to vinegar is best? I will thoroughly rinse it before putting it back in the tank.


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Been thinking mine is about due for this same treatment, so tagging along


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Not sure if it matters, I usually soak mine, then let it run with the cleaning stuff, then rinse.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I usually wipe the skimmer down as best I can to get all the loose gunk out, then run it in a bucket with hot tap water and vinegar for about 2 hours. Then rinse in RO.

For that HOB skimmer you could probably rig it on a small bucket...I use to use a short 2.5 gal bucket with my HOB and ran 50/50 vinegar to water. Granted, using 1 gal of vinegar for a single cleaning is a lot...but it allowed me to get it done in a couple hours and have everything hooked back up that same day. At lower concentrations of vinegar (~25%) I found that I had to usually run the skimmer overnight for it to come out clean.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I run a day or two, nice overview of the process:
