Skimmer Question RSM 250


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
My 79 year old Mom keeps and maintains a Red Sea Max 250 at her house in Washington state. It is a FOWLER that is pretty heavily stocked. The 250 is stock with T5 lighting, and the factory protein skimmer. That skimmer has never reliably pulled good skim. Whenever I mess around with it, it will pull good foam for a few hours and then overflow and dump everything it collected back into the filtration chambers. I've messed with it for hours while I'm visiting out there, but it has never been working right. She's had this setup and running for 2 or 2 and a half years. Reading up on the stock skimmer and people have similar problems getting it dialed in and never really seem to achieve that correct balance without adjusting it every day.

So in looking for replacement skimmers there seems to be a few that people suggest. I need something easy for my Mom to maintain and dial in. No sump and she isn't interested in adding one, I already asked. So it really needs to be something that can exist in place of the stock skimmer. Or if anybody has any experience with dialing this one in I'm open to suggestions. Any advice is helpful as I am going to visit her soon, maybe I can order something so it is there and ready to install.
