skimmer questions


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
So I bought a Tunze 9006 and I'm not sure it works, or what.

I downloaded the instructions and set it up like it said, plugged it in and gave it a week to break in. this is the second week and the only thing I see is condensate and when I look down in the cup/body, I just see a slight fizzy-ness in the water.

I only have the one fish and 4-5 crabs and 3 snails.

How do I know if it isn't working or just nothing to skim?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Can you adjust the height on it? I know my various skimmers have to be set at the correct water depth to skim properly.


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Sounds like it just needs adjusted to get the bubble in the right spot. Also I know they say a week but when I broke mine in it took a month or more, but I just kept adjusting it so the bubble/water level was just at the base of the cup. Where do you have the bubble line set at?


M.A.S.C Club Member
How long has your tank been set up?
It may just be a matter of there is not enough to skim in your tank.
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Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Munch;320225 said:
Can you adjust the height on it? I know my various skimmers have to be set at the correct water depth to skim properly.
According to the instructions, if you have it in a sump, it can be anywhere from 3-11 inches. Currently, the water line is about 1/2-3/4 inch below the in tank line. I can't find any way to adjust the water level, but there is a way to adjust the air intake which does adjust the bubbles but not much.

SynDen;320226 said:
Sounds like it just needs adjusted to get the bubble in the right spot. Also I know they say a week but when I broke mine in it took a month or more, but I just kept adjusting it so the bubble/water level was just at the base of the cup. Where do you have the bubble line set at?
As previously stated, not sure how to adjust anything but the air intake/mixture.... there is a line on the outside of the skimmer that the water level should be at when placed in your tank, but the instructions state that it can be in 3-11 inches in the sump

rplank;320227 said:
How long has your tank been set up?
It may just be a matter of there is not enough to skim in your tank.
since the first of april. this is what I was thinking, but I'd like to somehow know for sure.....the bubbles are like bubbles in your soda when you pour it.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Found a decent video with proper foam, how's your level compare?



Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
No, for real....the popping fizz after pouring a soda! just that slight fizz that tickles your nose...not the foamy build up


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One thing you can try. Find all the connections that carry the air into the skimmer pump. Follow all the connections and see if you can find a restriction. Skimmers often get a small build up of calcium. A short soak in vinegar or the like will soften the calcium and you can flush it clean. Hopefully you'll find the solution. Your system surely has enough waste to skim a small amount. I am not familiar with the skimmer do I can not help you with any specifics on tuning it in. I do know tunze products are great and that skimmer has a very good reputation. Tunze does have a forum on reef central. They have gone out of the way to assist me in the past, even with used products!


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cent36;320232 said:
According to the instructions, if you have it in a sump, it can be anywhere from 3-11 inches. Currently, the water line is about 1/2-3/4 inch below the in tank line. I can't find any way to adjust the water level, but there is a way to adjust the air intake which does adjust the bubbles but not much.

As previously stated, not sure how to adjust anything but the air intake/mixture.... there is a line on the outside of the skimmer that the water level should be at when placed in your tank, but the instructions state that it can be in 3-11 inches in the sump

since the first of april. this is what I was thinking, but I'd like to somehow know for sure.....the bubbles are like bubbles in your soda when you pour it.

According to these instructions it appears it should be at 9.4inch and 11.4 inch in the water. It also says that there is a screw that adjusts the air amount which you can use to adjust the amount of bubbles in the skimmer.
But as Randy mentioned you might just not have enough bio-load yet to produce that much waste. What do you have it stocked with so far?


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Ya not enough waste for the skimmer to pull out with such a light load. Give it time, as you stock more it will slowly start pulling out more.


Reef Shark
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I recently set up a Tunze skimmer for my cube as well and had issues with the bubbles as well. At first there was not enough, this was due to a dirty air line. Then there was too much bubbles, filled my tank with micro bubbles and kept overflowing the collection cup. I had to raise the height of the skimmer. Mine has a little line on it where they "reccomend" the water level to be, mine now sits about 3/4" higher up than this line and is now working perfectly.


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ReefCheif;320290 said:
I recently set up a Tunze skimmer for my cube as well and had issues with the bubbles as well. At first there was not enough, this was due to a dirty air line. Then there was too much bubbles, filled my tank with micro bubbles and kept overflowing the collection cup. I had to raise the height of the skimmer. Mine has a little line on it where they "reccomend" the water level to be, mine now sits about 3/4" higher up than this line and is now working perfectly.
Dirty airline is exactly what I think too! As far as not enough bio load, these skimmers can pull a little out of freshly mixed salt water made with RO. If it isn't at least making bubbles in the body the airline is clogged!!! Regardless of bio load!


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Dr.HarlemTutu;320292 said:
Dirty airline is exactly what I think too! As far as not enough bio load, these skimmers can pull a little out of freshly mixed salt water made with RO. If it isn't at least making bubbles in the body the airline is clogged!!! Regardless of bio load!
Also make sure everything is property connected and not kinked.


M.A.S.C Club Member
It needs to be up. The bubbles need to pop in the neck, not the cup. Eventually, they will make a foam. See if you can get it up 2-3 inches and see if that helps.