Skimmer - What do have FS or FT

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Contemplating adding a skimmer to my system after all these years (lol I know, I know). Curious what everyone out there has for sale or for trade. Not sure what I want just yet so I am mostly curious what all is out there.

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
oh ya lol might be helpful - its a 75g (lightly stocked) w/ 20g +/- sump but I wouldn't nec shy away from something pushing a 150g rating I don think

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
open to any of the above actually - don't want to limit the offers and the potential skimmer pool :p

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Anyone else have a skimmer laying around they want to sell or skimmer they want to sell because you need or want a new/bigger one?