So I noticed my skimmer hasn't been doing much took it apart cleaned it still nothing. Took the pump apart cleaned it and noticed the impeller is shot! Can someone recommend a good pump and impeller for 110-125 gallon reef. This one came with it when I bought it.
I know I could just get an impeller but how do I know what size to get? Theres no name on the pump or gph nothing lol. I have no idea if that pumps the rightsize for this tank/skimmer.
At this point Im thinking this skimmer is more trouble than its worth. Maybe I should swap it out don't think its meant for a 110 anyway, after looking around Im guessing that pump was for a 65 gallon tank roughly.
Nevermind found everything I need at woohoo new pump for 125 gallon super skimmer free shipping too hehe. Well I added a cpl things to get the free shipping.