Some Questions about Apex operation/ability

Hello all, hoping to get a few answers on the Apex unit. We are just about to put an order in on a new Apex and are trying to figure out exactly what we need for control of our LEDS, temp, ph, return pump and ATO. In the future we might want the Salinity and auto feeder option. We are hoping to save a bit of cash and just buy the Apex Jr controller over the $549 package but not sure if that's the best option.

With the Apex Jr I have read reviews that you are only able to use four modules with the unit, if I want more I would need to buy a larger unit and sell the JR, is that true? If so, do the temp controller included with the Apex Jr and the return pump count against two of the four controls the unit is capable of or can they be done and still have four additional?

Still debating on three AI Hydra or three Hydra 52's for the setup ($600 difference is a bunch and not sure if it's worth it or not yet). With the Hydras I know I would need to purchase the AWM module, is that it? Or do I need additional cables?

For the ATO control, do you just buy a float switch of some kind and run that to the Apex for control?

We have an MP40 and MP10 for the setup and are just planning on doing the master/slave with them and using the Vortech control rather than spend the cash on the addition module.

Planning on a SWC skimmer for the setup, what is the advantage to having your skimmer pump controlled by the Apex?

Really appreciate any insight on the questions. This will be our first controller and just making sure we purchase the correct one and equipment to go with it.



Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
From memory since my computer is down. It seems like you would be over the 4 modules. Pm1 (ph) pm2 (salinity) avm (lights) wxm (mp40) and an eb8. Now you could go with ecotech lights and double up on the wxm module so you only need that for both



Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
My advice, don't waste your money on the Salinity module, very inaccurate. The auto feeder is great, everything else apex is 100% worth every penny.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
DyM;297652 said:
My advice, don't waste your money on the Salinity module, very inaccurate. The auto feeder is great, everything else apex is 100% worth every penny.
I agree, and if your not going to get the wxm to control you MP40's ( worth every penny though ), your only at an additional 3 modules. The PM1 will do temp, ph, and your I/O for switches. The VDM will control lights, and an EB8 gives you another 8 outlets. You can control your skimmer with the apex, and is good for feed timers, and maintenance, and actually a ton of different things to control if you have a need or desire. I do my water changes out of my sump, so with a feed timer, I shut down my skimmer, top off, and heaters for "X" amount of time with the push of a button.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have the Jr. and love it.

I don't see a need for a pH probe on my system...if I were running a reactor I'd feel differently. For modules I plan on picking up the WXM for my radion and MP10s, and I just lucked out on getting the auto feeder at Reefstock.

You can get away with adding a lot more equipment to the Jr. than you have in mind. The thermometer/temp control does not count as a module, it plugs into the base unit. The return pump can be plugged into either an external energy bar (EB8), or your base unit with 4 available outlets. The EB8 counts as a module...but allows several pieces of equipment to be plugged into it. I just use the 4 outlets on my base unit and currently control: heater, fan, UV sterilizer, skimmer, and individual pumps that I have running the UV and carbon reactor. The skimmer and 2 pumps for my carbon reactor and UV filter all sit on a 3way splitter that's plugged into the base unit...1 button shuts all 3 off for monthly maintenance. Advantage of hooking up auxiliary pumps is mainly the convenience of not having to fiddle with plugs when your hands are wet...also if you dose live phyto you can just hit a button to turn off your filtration for whatever length of time you feel is appropriate. All this to say...depending on your needs the Jr. is plenty. I am thinking about adding the WXM shortly and will probably pick up an EB8 just so I can have a little more versatility (I'd like to add another heater and more control of my ATO)...along with my autofeeder that would still leave me with room for 1 additional module.

For your ATO question, the Apex hooks up to something called a "breakout box"...the floats connect to that, and are then programmed to trigger a pump plugged into your Apex. I would plan on putting at least 2 floats in your is the main control and the other runs as a fail-safe in case the first float gets stuck.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
jahmic;297689 said:
For your ATO question, the Apex hooks up to something called a "breakout box"...the floats connect to that, and are then programmed to trigger a pump plugged into your Apex. I would plan on putting at least 2 floats in your is the main control and the other runs as a fail-safe in case the first float gets stuck.
Does the Jr. come with an I/O for the break out box? I know the Apex, and Apex Lite do, but didn't know about the Jr.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Get the full apex. If you want 0-10V control youll need a vdm. Plus you will definately need more than 4 outlets. I use 14 outlets for my 125 gal. If you want to save some cash, get onyx leds from rapid led. Comparable to hydras but 100 dollars cheaper. You will need float switches for ATO. If you pull the trigger, PM me and I can send a redundant programming scheme. I suggest 3 float switches and you will need a breakout box for any version of the apex. I built mine myself since they only have one common so its a PITA to wire to.

The joy of engineering is to find a straight line on a double logarithmic graph.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
FishTV;297712 said:
Does the Jr. come with an I/O for the break out box? I know the Apex, and Apex Lite do, but didn't know about the Jr.
Come to think of I run a JBJ for my ATO.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Does the Jr. come with an I/O for the break out box? I know the Apex, and Apex Lite do, but didn't know about the Jr.

None of them come with a breakout box except for maybe the gold version. The Apex Junior doesn't have the capability to add that feature at all. The others have the plug for I/O but dont come with the box.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I agree. Great place to start. The programming can be odd to wrap your head around since its a very similar arcitecture to basic. If you wanna learn how to do more complex stuff like temperature control based on seasonal and dirunal temperature swings, realistic light spectrum ramps, custom alarm management, or any other crazy complicated idea, let me know.

The joy of engineering is to find a straight line on a double logarithmic graph.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Just a heads up to everyone...

Apex Fusion beta is now live...I was told you can sign up via Neptune's forum. Can't confirm this since I received an invite by signing up at reefstock, but the interface was way more user friendly, and there's no need for DNS services and port forwarding to access your controller remotely with the new programming.

Haven't played with it yet other then at reefstock... plan on getting mine setup this weekend.

Edit:'s in private beta now. There is a sign-up available here, but it looks like you get open beta:

It's worth checking out though...I was really impressed with the new interface.
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