SPS eating snail?


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Wondering if there is such a thing. Been seeing some weird bleach on my sps...in long rows about 1/4 inch wide going from the bases up. For the longest time couldnt figure out why. Then today i noticed one of my acros had it from the base up to one of the tops branches in the same motion. Up at the end of it in the same stripe of bleached out coral...which was not bleached out last night was a snail. Definetly not a snail that i place in the tank...shell is completely different and bright white. All my others are very small and black shelled. So i took it out and placed it in the wifes tank...lol. To monitor of course...never had a problem with my softies or lps...just the sps. Kinda stumped.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Yeah...that white one in the top row in the middle looks exactly like the one I picked off. Weird...learn something new every day. Damn snails...