Styrofoam under tank??


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Alright so... i have heard many mixed reviews however more positive then negative about using foam under large aquariums to help distribute any slight imperfections in the stand. From everything i have read i am apt to do it under the edges of the tank(not center). I was wondering what the general opinion was on that here?? Looking at many large manufacturing warranties it does suggest a type of plyable material between the tank and rigid frame work. Let's here some opinions!!

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Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
My general understanding was that tanks that rest on the bottom trim, don't need it. While tanks that have no bottom trim, and rest in the glass bottom, need it for the reasons you stated.

However, I've seen plenty of tanks on RC with the bottom trim that also have the foam underneath.

I was going to do it to mine, but I got fed up with rearranging the foam under the tank while doing some shims.

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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
My acrylics have foam the std glass, framed type bottom where the glass does not touch the stand should not use the foam. If bottom glass of a framed type tank rests on the foam and not the frame it could create a pressure point and break the bottom glass. IMO if there is a frame you don't need the foam, if the bottom is not framed the foam is needed to be safe and account for stand imperfections.