sump vs canister filter


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
2 observations. From pics, looked like wet dry tube goes down to the floor then has to flow uphill to make it into the wetdry. Isn't that bad on the overflows ability to flow at a good rate?

Overall water volume too low, need enough water for full tank + whats in the pipes + whatever water level you want in the sump. If you put 31 gallons in a 30g tank w/ overflow, that's not going to be enough run the sump. More like if thats a 30g cube, betting you would need at least 40gallons water to fill both.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I think I'm with fitz about water volume being too low since you had to throttle the pump down to about 200-300 gph. There are two solutions to this issue.

1. Get a bigger sump. (My rule of thumb is 20% of tank volume minimum when filled to 1" below the rim)

2. Make attempts to reduce the excess tank water that flows into the sump. You can add a siphon break or check valve on the return. That will reduce the amount of water the flows in during a loss of power state and give you more wiggle room to turn your pump up to a higher.


Turbo Snail
M.A.S.C Club Member
OK - added more water (ty fitz and zombie)
cut the expensive hose so it is shorter and the water doesn't have to flow uphill now (ty fitz)
did the 4 steps zombie listed again and it seems to be staying at a steady level with the pump going full power.

aztecdreams is "on call" and will check with me this evening to see if it's maintaining the level and flow.

It is a little quieter, but I still hear the draining water sound and the pump some. (still not as quiet as a canister filter... LOL)

Thank you to everyone who responded! I appreciate all the help!
And, jda, thanks for the education on bio-balls and canister filters etc! I would like to look at getting something bigger that would allow for a refugium and space for a skimmer in the future but I am not in panic mode about what I have right now.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Glad to here things are working better! But did you try the hand Towel Laid over the back of the over flow? I'm telling you it really helps lol.

Just fold it into quarters and lay it over!