Sump vs hob filter for nano


Butterfly Fish
Im having trouble deciding on what i want for a filter on my 14g nano.
Im leaning towards a hob because it will be cheaper and i wont have to drill a hole in my tank for Overflow...
Do i really need a sump? honestly? if i have enough flow i should be fine right?

Btw i wont be having any fish in this tank ( Sexy shrimp pom pom tank) So little to none nitrates.
If i do have a fish it will be tiny( Barnacle blenny)

What do you think?


M.A.S.C Club Member
I'm trying to decide this as well as I will be setting up a 20G long here shortly. Is a weekly 10% water change sound about right?


Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
i have a 20g with a hob, i do weekly 5g waterchanges and every thing is great. i have 2 clowns in it and lots of zoa's and paly's and a few other corals.


Butterfly Fish
I use to have a 20 gallon reef with only powerheads. only live rock for filtration for the longest time and it did great.
I would assume since i wont have any fish in this tank i wouldn't need to worry about nitrates right?


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have a 17 gallon and do 2 gallon water change once per week with no filter, no sump, and no refugium. I have a fairly large CUC. 2 fish and mixed reef. Been running over a year and doing good.