Tank info/profile


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Do we have any way to allow members to create a tank profile, essentially a breakdown of their tank equipment and inhabitants?

So for example, if I clicked on a member - say RuRoo, I could see their FTS, and a equipment list, and stock list - if they had it updated of course...

I'm trying to come up with a mechanism to inventory what I have, and be able to share it without effort for others. When trading frags, it would make it super easy to know what another person has that you don't have, etc...

I don't want it to be a long thread you have to dig thru to find stuff...

Is it the blog feature by chance - something I haven't used?

Open for ideas, or information if we have something in place, and I just don't see it :)

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
You could use aquaticlog.com like DJKMS does its pretty sweet! He actually has a clickable image and I believe self updated pic and info banner in his signature


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member

So the bottom line is we don't really have anything setup.

I know on nano-reef, each member can setup a page, edited by them only, no comments, etc, kinda neat idea. Maybe it's just their reefer of the month, but why not let everyone do it, and create a standing library of profiles...

Here's an example:
