Haha, thanks guys. Sorry to hear Kip, Nate and Del aren't still around. I always got a kick out of Del's plumbing and it raised my bar on my work. I think Kip was in the process of building a giant office tank when I left a decadeish ago. But always good to see a few familiar faces. I've got soo much work to do still. Researching skimmers a lot over the last few days. Now I'm leaning towards an
Reef Octopus ELITE 200INT Protein Skimmer with DC Pump[/h]
But still in the research stage for sure. I should get my tank on the stand tomorrow and hopefully finish up the hood tonight. And waiting on a ton of stuff to come via Amazon, Prime sure pays for itself up here but they don't seem in all that much of a rush to ship a couple of hundred pounds of sand and salt.

But I'm sure they will, it was Prime.