The Enigma of LED's

I have now been searching for lighting for my 40b build for several weeks now with no succes. Initially I was planning on purchasing a low end T5 fixture and replacing the factory bulbs with ATI's bulbs to achieve the color I am aiming for. I then investigated the world of LED's having used CF bulbs on past tanks and knowing the cost and hassle of bulb replacement. Although while doing so found that in the case that I go with a fixture like the AI Sol or Ecotech Radion I would need two fixtures to house SPS and LPS and achieve good coverage. Not wanting to spend $1k in lighting + aqua controller I continued the search. I then happened upon the chinese manufactured LED reef capable lights, having previously heard of their bad quality in addition to applying some common sense I was initially avoiding them.... Until I happend upon this fixture, I was curious as to what others have to a say regarding my lighting options and their personal experience.
Note: I want to do this the right way and for that reason I am not afraid to spend a little money doing so.
Link to fixture;


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
The one thing I don't like about those fixtures is how "Channel 1" has multiple colors on a single dimming control. You lose the ability to dial back colors individually, and depending on how they are wired, there's a good chance that some of the colors will run brighter than other colors on the panel, this is due to each color LED having it's own resistance...lower resistance diodes (like your reds) will run brighter if they are wired in series, or if they are wired in parallel and you have unequal amounts of LEDs on each string. I recently pulled the red LEDs out of a couple Chinese fixtures (different manufacturer) for the same reason.

A couple of our sponsors sell LEDs at a comparable price, and I'd bet you'll get a better product and better customer service through them. If you're gonna spring money for new LEDs and wanna save some cash, I'd recommend going that route.
Thanks for the input, great point I never thought of that.
If anyone thinks of another fixture that would suit my needs at a comparable price please post.
Any input is very much appreciated!