The Shopping List Thread :)


Cleaner Shrimp
So the wife and I were talking today about improvements we both would like to make to our tank system(s). At the moment I have my 125 long reef tank, a 20 long gallon frag tank, and a 46 gall bow (Not in use atm and for sale.)

We came up with a list that BLOWS my mind.. I hope I get enough Tax monies to cover it lol..

The list.

(4) MP-20 pumps (I need more water flow and it good to keep a spare or 2)
(4) Tunze MP40's
(2) tank controllers ( still looking at models )
(1) 75 Gallon Long Tank ( for frags )
(1) 55 Gallon Tank for Sump for frag tank
(2) kalk stirrers
(2) protein skimmers ( I don't' yet have one for my display tank)
(1) LED Fixture for display tank
(1) LED Fixture for frag tank
(1) better ROI setup than I have now.

And a ton of misc items, I can see an easy 2500 to 3k investment in just the list above. I'm glad my wife is really into this hobby, as she also wants to try to raise some fish and for me to raise corals as they are hard to get out here without costly shipping.

We've decided to redesign my office for the other tanks, insulate it better etc.
But the list is pretty massive.. And doesn't even include any new livestock lol.

So come the first of the year I'll be keeping an eye out and my pocket book open for deals on used / new gear and corals etc..

But the question is.. What will YOU do with your tax rebate?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have 2 Geo Kalk stirrers I can sell you. I was going to put them up on Reef Central in a couple of weeks (didnt think there would be much interest here). I have brand new maxi jet 600's on the way for them as well. I can sell them to you for $125 each (they will list for $175 on RC). lmk if you are interested.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I owe Mr. Tax man so much I cant afford to pay attention !