There is a reason this club (and all others) is so useful. It helps people that are trying to get into saltwater be successful. This is a very easy hobby to fail early in and the costs of that can be considerably higher than other interests. One of the biggest issues in my opinion is start up costs. I started out wanting to set up a 72G for my daughter. I know that I spent hundreds of dollars more than I should have because I was ignorant and frankly taken advantage of by a retailer. Not to say that they are all bad (most are REALLY trying to help) but without the club and a lot of individuals that care about the hobby I think that a lot more people could be taken advantage of. To that end the whole point of this post. I was looking through my saltwater stuff and I found something that made me laugh. A LaMotte PH test kit! $55.00 to test PH in a tank! And I have not used it in years as the inexpensive API test kit works just fine. To all those that want to get into this hobby, ask questions and gather knowledge from people that are already doing in. You will save yourself time, money and aggravation.