To much light?


M.A.S.C Club Member
I am planning on getting a 20L to get back into reefing but I have been tossing up lighting ideas. I am thinking a 2x150w hqi setup, but is that to much light?? I don't want to bleach corals I just want to have enough light in case I
Want to do sps


M.A.S.C Club Member
To much light?

Ok, if in hung it a bit off the water would it be better? The reason i ask is the 2x150w halide fixture that's for sale I am very interested in


M.A.S.C Club Member
You can always just run 1.

I have used 4x250w HQI and 2x150w HQI over a standard 120G and the SPS and clams loved it. The softies did not appreciate it very much and some would barely open on the sand.

If you do get it, what are you going to do about heat in a tank that small with with halides?