TOTM July to August

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Angel Fish

This would be my entry then, the moorish idol. Got to appreciate him while I have him. Had him almost a year now, but I know how they can just go missing out of nowhere.

I can’t claim credit for the Queen Angel, that was a product of @jda’s hard work and care over the years to grow him to that size, lucky to have him in my tank.

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member

This would be my entry then, the moorish idol. Got to appreciate him while I have him. Had him almost a year now, but I know how they can just go missing out of nowhere.

I can’t claim credit for the Queen Angel, that was a product of @jda’s hard work and care over the years to grow him to that size, lucky to have him in my tank.

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Favorite fish of all time and will try and obtain at some point beautiful fish!!!


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
View attachment 1661
Gonna go with this one. This is what my Lawnmower blenny and longnose hawk do every time I turn off the pumps to feed. I have to scare them off with tongs in the tank before I turn the flow back on lol.
Awesome shot. I have a flame tail blenny that loves doing this as well. He also like sitting on top of the nori clip. Smh

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
We will now be posting up winners on the instagram page for MASC as a heads up. It will be as a feature for the members that win. Thank you everyone that have entered great turn out this go round. Lets keep em rolling in.
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