Tunze osmolator 3155 advice.


M.A.S.C Club Member
That was a good deal they had on it. I got mine a little over a year ago (and paid full price...). I have one complaint, otherwise it think it is just about perfect. Whenever you plug it in, it automatically runs for about 20 seconds - this wouldn't be an issue on a larger tank, but on my 38 gallon that water can affect the system or cause the backup float sensor to go off and sound the alarm. I got in the habit of having a cup near the tank so that whenever I have to unplug/plug back in the ATO i can just hold the cup under outlet and catch the water it tries to add to the tank.
I have never had it fail. I have the pump in a 5 gallon home depot bucket I keep filled. I just ordered an Apex and havent set it up yet, so I can't help there.
Not sure if this helps, but I have mine setup in the middle chamber of my Nuvo 38.


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I run one and love it, cept for the issue SkyShark mentioned its been flawless, and honestly its not that much of an issue if you are aware of it


M.A.S.C Club Member
I love mine also. I simply put my finger over the return line when I restart it after a water change to not allow any water in my sump. This works great for me and I don't have to worry about the extra water being pumped in.


M.A.S.C Club Member
clowninaround7474;334314 said:
I love mine also. I simply put my finger over the return line when I restart it after a water change to not allow any water in my sump. This works great for me and I don't have to worry about the extra water being pumped in.
No ill effect to the pump? I wondered about doing that, but thought it might stress the pump too much.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Balz3352;334180 said:
Do you put another failsafe with apex? What do you guys think
I would code it like this (assuming you have a breakout box than you can add a redundant high level float to, and your maintainance feed timer is feedD)

Fallback ON
Set ON
If EmerSw OPEN Then OFF
If FeedD 000 Then OFF
If Outlet Skimmer = OFF Then OFF
Min time 030:00 Then OFF
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