ultrathins and autocad


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
My computer crapped out so I need to replace it. I really want an ultrathin. Here's the kicker, it has to run autocad. I'm assuming that it can't do it without upgrading the video card. Can I upgrade the video card in an ultra thin? I'm also assuming I'll need an expansion monitor to fully use cadd programs.

I'm looking at the Asus Zen book and the Samsung series 9.

Any suggestions?

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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Using Autocad doesn't mean much. What matters is how big the models are. If you're only working with smaller models, under 100mb in size, then you would be ok with a built in video card or about 512mb. Biggest thing is get as much memory as the system will support and the fastest processor you can get. When I worked at Lockheed even the systems running XP 64bit with 8gb ram only had a 512 video card. IMO, memory and processor are more important than the video card.


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Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
So far my models have been small, but they're getting bigger.

So processor and RAM are more important, ok, I'll look that.

I've also been recommended the ThinkPad X series.

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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Depending on what you are doing the video card plays a huge roll in rendering and the 3d modeling capability. At work we have the cad computers with the upgraded processors, ram and video cards with stand alone memory ( 1 gb or maybe more) and something like 2+ gb video card on the "CAD" station.

If you want. The specs I can get em for you just pm. Other suggestion would be to go to the Autodesk website and look at the requirements. Be sure you don't just go with the minimum cause it will be so slow!! If I remember they had like a good. Errrr best type of recommendation on their webpage for the various CAD programs.


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Pm sent Adam. I looked on the CAD site, I got the specs. I know I should be getting a desktop, but I don't have the space for one.

I guess I can gut the laptop I have now, but that's no fun, at least not a shiny new toy.

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CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
I use AutoCAD everyday on 2 dif laptops one only has 2gb ram too. If you are just using cad and not revit or something far bigger than cad I would say you could use a laptop.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I'll try to find the site, but I had a link to the actual laptop builders. There's only like 4-5 companies that make all laptops, well besides Apples. It wasn't a "name brand" but same specs and cheaper.


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