Vemetid control


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I don't know about you guys but I am in need of some major vermetid control. My tank isn't exactly easy to get into to do manual removal and they have got quite numerous despite the efforts I have made to try and control them. I do have bumble bee snails in the tank but they really don't seem to have done much good. They might keep down some of the smaller veremtids but they wont even touch the medium to larger ones.
Wishing these guys in the article were available. Would have to rethink my entire CuC since I use a variety of snails and they likely would kill them all, but at this point I think it would be worth it
Ive been doing calcium carbonate daily since 9/23. Don’t think I can say it’s helping. I think it has done something to the smaller ones but the larger ones are way too prolific for me as well.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I smashed groups them and my hermits would scurry over to see what they could get. I only really had them in the shadows and they did not bother anything.

Eventually, they just died out/back. This seemed to happen only after I quit caring, right? Seems like they ran their life cycle and that was it.


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I wish they would die back, but not happening in my tank, they just keep getting more numerous. I crush the ones I can reach but there are tons I cant really get to and they are spreading endlessly it seems


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I hate them, I tried bumblebees as well and they didn’t seem to touch the overall population.

I pulled out this little rock the other day just absolutely covered in them:



Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I did bumble bee snails and a lot of them put 100 in a 55 and did that every 3 or 4 mos it has helped a lot I was told in order for it to help you need a ton of them. So I just kept buying and adding. I will clean all shells out that I can see of die off b4 adding more. Havent had too many issues at 1 yr mark on the tank. Skipped the last refill. I guess we will see how this next year goes. At this point I will probably add them only if I see them start to pop up.


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Mine are doing just fine with the Lanthunum


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You probably have to fill the display with cloudy flocculant and have the worms catch and eat it - might not be good for other things in the tank.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I do this on some when I cant scrape or manually remove but it is hard depending on how many you have and the size

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I'm starting to super glue these guys. Anyone ever try this?
I've tried it but I found that it didn't kill. They just made them make a second tube instead. They only way that I have found that is sure to kill them is to take bone cutters, aka coral cutters, and crush the base of their shell


Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I had a bad vermatid experience with my 120. the initial outbreak was pretty bad but eventually died back to something manageable. Later I began overfeeding as I was introducing a new fish, and that resulted in a second outbreak. All I remember was patience and keep feeding under control.

And... I hate those effin things.