Very conflicted and need your expertise

I am building a 225g tank 72" 27" 27". I am at the point I need to order lighting. I have been reading a lot about the cheap Chinese lights and quality lights. I would love to get the AI Hydra 52s but they are out of reach for me. So I have been looking at the regular Hydras but was not sure if they can penetrate a 27" tall tank. The Hydra 26 can for sure but then I am concerned that I will not get enough spread. The regular hydras can by upgraded down the road to the 52s but it is still expensive to do that. So finally to my question. Who has experience with the AI hydras/26/52 that can share their experiences with the lights? Second question is should I just buy 6 cheap Chinese lights and replace them as they crap out? I just don't like the idea of having 12 power cords. Or maybe there are lights out there that I am not aware of and you guys can direct me to look there? My tippy top max budget is about $1200. (wife will still kill me) Oh I was planning on having a mixed reef tank but was hoping that I could get lights strong enough to do an sps tank if I wanted to.


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Maybe look into the rapid LED lights, their DIY LEDs are on par with more expensive fixtures but they also make a pre-assembled fixture too that looks like they would be equal to fixtures that are twice the price. I am thinking of putting them over my big tank once I get it built


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I would aim for the lights or the RapidLED lights as @SynDen mentions.

I ran standard AI Hydras over my standard 90 which worked great. When I moved to my 150XH (30" deep) they were not bright enough to do what I wanted so I moved back to halides.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I have hydra 52's, I know josh hill does too. And I know 1200 is your limit, but believe me, you pay for what you get. I ran 3 Chinese on my 180g for awhile, no real control, could dim but manually, color spectrum wasn't all that great. There are deals out there for the 52's. Check eBay, reef to reef, etc. most online places will are free shipping. I know some ppl like radions too. More expensive and I don't have experience with them.
I am not mechanically inclined at all. So any thing that would require me to solder anything or put them together is probably beyond me. Kio707 do you think that the 26s would give me enough spread on a 72"x27" tank? (I probably know the answer) I will be checking for deals on the AIs if you see any can you let me know? I met you briefly at reefstock. You were helping Bush and you showed me a video of your gyre.
I wanted to stay away for MH due to the heat and cost to run them. I have a 12 bulb t5 on my 150g currently and hate paying $200+ a year for new bulbs.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Ahh, k. Yeah, that was before I had the hydras too. You could do 26's, but your going to buy a lot more. And I'll look out for some deals too.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Lawdogg28;345535 said:
I wanted to stay away for MH due to the heat and cost to run them. I have a 12 bulb t5 on my 150g currently and hate paying $200+ a year for new bulbs.
That's the better advantages of LEDs too. Constant par and colors without having to change the bulbs. Could always pitch that idea to the wife. Saying you would save $100's a year in bulbs and electric bill. :)
kio707;345537 said:
That's the better advantages of LEDs too. Constant par and colors without having to change the bulbs. Could always pitch that idea to the wife. Saying you would save $100's a year in bulbs and electric bill. :)
$1200 still needs to get pitched to her lol... I don't think she will stab me in my sleep but my lunches are not getting packed for sure. I told her a few weeks ago that if I wanted to cook, clean, or do dishes that I would have stayed single. That went over like a wet turd. Just look for some deals for me my friend and maybe say a quick prayer for my safety lol.


M.A.S.C Club Member
You could do 4 dimmable onyx by rapid LED. I use thise in my 125 and see very good sps growth 4" from the bottom of the tank using 80 degree lenses (havent tried SPS in the sand yet). I would think four with 60 degree lenses would penetrate well and would run you less than 1200.


M.A.S.C Club Member
P.s. if you do go with ONXY, send their support an email to get a coupon code. They gave me 20% off when I bought four just by sending an email.

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zombie;345545 said:
P.s. if you do go with ONXY, send their support an email to get a coupon code. They gave me 20% off when I bought four just by sending an email.
I agree, we are looking at going with 6 onyx over our 300g. Rapid gave me a coupon code for 20% as well.