Over the summer I was dosing vodka, manually. Then I would go away for a camping tip and I couldn't dose, so I quit. I decided that I wanted to dose again after doing a lot of research. This time I went with vinegar to start. I have a lot of vinegar in the house, and not a lot of vodka. Initially I was happy, but I continued to do some research. I then got a slave setup for my Jebao dosing pump and another container and set it on autopilot while I was doing my research. I came across people who were dosing VSV. Adding vodka, sugar, and vinegar. There are some that are afraid that a single carbon source will lead to a single strain of bacteria. There is also considerable debate over what carbon source aids a cyano outbreak. So, I mixed up some VSV, following the recipe that was most prevalent and dosed according to the vodka dosing schedule. Then I came across VSVVc. Now I have added sodium ascorbate (vitamin c) to my dosing container. I am pulling very dark skimmate. The skimmer is well controlled, but doing it's job. I have this dosing four times a day because I do see a hit in my ORP each time it doses. ORP rebounds in between each dose, so I feel that I have the schedule set right at this moment. As the dose increases, I will breakout the dosing schedules in to more timers per day as opposed to just increasing quantity.