Water flow accelerator


Staff member
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M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
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They work but can be ugly ive used one on the big tank for years and it provides a noticable difference
280g-reefman;229081 said:
Cool thanks guys. Any specific one over another? I believe there are a few different ones on the market.
I have a couple you could use to see how you like them. I had two in my 120 buty it was too much with a couplke mp40's. They do work well as everybody else has stated.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
This is the first I have heard of these. Do they just create a more "osculation" of flow, or does it have some sort of venturi that creates more flow? Perhaps both, seems like a reasonable risk to take for the price.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I was at Ambrosio Aquatics (Nick's house) and he had them on his frag tank. Really neat how they oscillate for random flow. I'm actually thinking of installing these when I upgrade my return pump.


M.A.S.C Club Member
So THAT's what these nozzles are on my returns.

I like them, much higher return flow. The only disadvantages I see are..1) they can spray a lot of water out of the tank if you let water line drop below them during water change refills and 2) they will cause a lot of microbubbles if you don't drop them far enough below the surface of the water.

Second point could be an issue for someone who wants to add them, but doesn't want to increase the transit volume backsiphoned to the sump if they have no check valve and the return pump power cuts.