Yes, we have expanded our selection of Z's and P's and we have a huge selection of colonies to frag. We are also constructing a new frag tank dedicated to these colonies which should be up and running in a few weeks. Here is a pick of some of them:
Right now we have the folowing zoas and paly's fragged and ready to go:
-Pink and golds
-Rastas (one 5 polyp frag)
-mind blowing
-bam bams
-king midas
-captain americas (one 2 polyp frag)
-sunny d's
-playboy's/pink zippers
-WOW palys (only two each - 3 polyp frags
-various others with more common names as well
* We will also be taking special requests for frags of some of the zoas we don't have fragged and frag them to order. Over 90 current varieties!
We are also overstocked with sps frags and mini colonies, almost all are captive grown right here in Colorado, $25/$35/$50 * buy 3 and get one free of equal value.
Salt prices are the same as last week:
Kent 200g box $45
Salinity 225 bucket $75
Reefcrystals 160g bucket $59
Happy Reefing!
Aquatic Art Inc.
9337 Commerce Center Street Unit C-3
Highlands Ranch CO, 80129
Open Friday from 3-7pm
*call 720-253-8660 for an appointment at other times.

Right now we have the folowing zoas and paly's fragged and ready to go:
-Pink and golds
-Rastas (one 5 polyp frag)
-mind blowing
-bam bams
-king midas
-captain americas (one 2 polyp frag)
-sunny d's
-playboy's/pink zippers
-WOW palys (only two each - 3 polyp frags
-various others with more common names as well
* We will also be taking special requests for frags of some of the zoas we don't have fragged and frag them to order. Over 90 current varieties!
We are also overstocked with sps frags and mini colonies, almost all are captive grown right here in Colorado, $25/$35/$50 * buy 3 and get one free of equal value.

Salt prices are the same as last week:
Kent 200g box $45
Salinity 225 bucket $75
Reefcrystals 160g bucket $59
Happy Reefing!
Aquatic Art Inc.
9337 Commerce Center Street Unit C-3
Highlands Ranch CO, 80129
Open Friday from 3-7pm
*call 720-253-8660 for an appointment at other times.