Well my fish have ich, again.


M.A.S.C Club Member
ich never goes away if you treat it, its just wait for the right circumstances to trigger. i went thru the same thing and the best thing to do is take your fish out and quarantine them treat them and run fishless for 6-8 weeks thats if you have a reef tank, if you dont then just run copper hypo whatever out there
I have had ich more than a few times on my powder blue... interestingly I've had decent success with UVC light and making sure I'm keeping up with feeding and general maintenance. Fish do build up some immunity and I have had ich disappear with only the above after a month or so.. After I add another fish it strikes again.. Also, Ive noticed that If you lower the temp it might do the same thing. I think both mainly slow the ich cycle down enough that your fish can get stronger and build that immunity. Ive tried all the expensive meds like ich attack with little improvement..